In Loving Memory Of
4 February 1929 - 27 September 2003
I'm so sad right now. I don't know why people like Paul can't live forever. I guess he will - in our hearts and music. Paul was my guitar hero and friend. He was always willing to show me all his licks note for note, but his style and feeling on the guitar are impossible to imitate.
I will always remember going to Memphis to Elvis Presleys watching Paul sit and watch the Dempseys (many many times) with a huge smile on his face as they played Johnny Burnette trio songs with energy that was unbelievable. They would always get Paul up on stage and he would glow as he played his solos sounding like he was back in the trio. Paul was so supportive of all the younger musicians. One of the highlights of Viva Las Vegas a few years ago was Paul and Rocky Burnette's set. They had an energy that brought the house down, like rockabilly should! I'm glad I have Paul tattoed on my arm as he will be with me forever and hopefully I have a bit of him in my music! Bye Paul ... we'll all "Keep a rollin' for you"! - Barbara